Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today was great.

Sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days. I've been busy with school and shit...
Today was pretty awesome. I ate like 1/4 of my grits for breakfast, but wasn't really in the mood for eating (when am I???), a couple of celery sticks with mustard (got the idea from "Wasted"...hehe, I love how a book that is supposed to make us not want to be ana only inspires us further to be ana...) for lunch, and I've been drinking crystal light iced tea all day...at school, I felt so fucking good! I was gliding- no, floating- above every body else, feeling the fat and calories burn away along with the hunger in my stomach. It was great weather, too, so me and my friends sat outside and pointed out the shapes of the clouds at lunch, while I munched on my celery. It was so great. I feel so weak right now, though...I'm thinking that I'm going to eat a salad tomorrow for lunch, with dressing and all, considering my weight tahmarrow. I love salads, especially with home-made balsamic dressing. The way my mom makes it, it has like 200 calories in it for a couple of tablespoons, but I make it with less olive oil and other shit, so mine is about 100 cals. I know, I hate the calories in dressing, too, but I love it sooo much...Oh, also, I read Jo's blog update today and I, too, am considered EDNOS, not anorexic. However, they are pretty similar.


  1. I think, eventually, a lot of anorexics and bulimics end up EDNOS. That's what happened to me. :/

  2. I like the celery and mustard idea ... sounds great! I'm going to try this


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