Sunday, November 22, 2009

I lost another lb! I weighed myself at the scientific scale at the H-E-B. It's more acurate than my scale. I woke up hungry today...I love waking up hungry. It means I didn't overeat the night before. I almost binged last night, but I stopped it by drinking diet dr. pepper. :D I did eat a muffin and a couple of handfuls of dry cereal, though. And that is too much.
This morning, my moms friend made breakfast. She gave me this big plate of potatoes, cheesy scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. I ate a couple of bites of eggs, a bite of toast, and a tiny bite of potatos, because she was sitting in front of me, watching me. I think they are getting a little suspicious of my eating. Anyway, I guess my eating assuaged her because she went to the other room to get her own plate. I used this opportunity to slip my potatos into my napkin, hide that in the couch cushions, and slip all of the bacon to my dog (that thing saves my freaking life), and slip the rest of the toast under my plate. I spread out some of I had a napkin in my lap, so I could fold it up and throw it out. I was going to eat the rest of the eggs, figuring that eggs were healthy, but then I remember that there was cheese in it, so I slipped most of it too my dog. I had to wait for her to go upstairs before I could reach into the couch cushions. I looked at the potatoes in the napkin, to see all of the food I DIDN'T eat, and threw out the toast and potatos. Yay! I ate about 1/4 of a cup of eggs, and 1/4 cup of potatos, and a quarter of the toast.

1 comment:

  1. Good job not over-eating when you had so many opportunities. You're so amazing throwing away that breakfast. Hang onto that hunger with all you've got!


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